Friday, May 13, 2011

Missing Post

Interestingly enough, yesterdays post has been deleted from my blog. I can only assume that it was because of my reference to a popular television show. I am very disgusted that this happened.

I apologize to my readers. I try to post a minimum of every other day.

God bless,


  1. Blogger had major system problems and deleted many posts. I couldn't access my blog for a couple days either. I think the system crash most likely tanked your post, sorry. :(

    You don't have to publish this comment.

  2. It may not be you. Lots of folks seem to have had their blogs go missing yesterday/early today. Seems to be some sort of glitch with blogspot.


  3. FYI: System-wide problems with Blogger. I don't think it was anything to do with the content of your post. I enjoy your blog!

  4. I hope that it was a blogger problem, not censorship. Did they send out notices? I wish I had received an e-mail or some type of heads up.

    Thanks for letting me know.

    God bless,
