Saturday, April 9, 2011

The Frugal Kitchen: Summer Canning Strategy

One of the best things we frugal homemakers can learn is how to zig when we had planned on zagging.  The unexpected happens in our lives and we need to be flexible and able to change our plans to achieve our frugal goals.

My mother has been very sick after breaking her hip.  Now I see that I will be kept busy moving her to a nursing home and spending as much time as possible with her.  So, my original plans to grow my own and harvest vegetables from u-pick farms for my summer canning need to be modified.

The new plan will be to shop for deals on produce at local stores to can.  An example is that last summer Target had twelve ears of corn for $1 which I canned for our family.  We are still eating that corn.  Tomatoes should be on sale soon and I can get them for an excellent price per case at our produce market.

We are still growing enough of our own vegies for our own fresh use, but canning purchased produce is still frugal.  I can still spend time with Mom and control the quality and cost of the produce my family eats.

Remember the flexible stick bends instead of breaking.

God bless,

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