Friday, November 30, 2012

Clean Refrigerator Pasta

Or perhaps it should be named Clean Your Refrigerator Pasta.  A friend of mine gave me this idea.  At the end of every week she uses up all of her leftover vegetables by making a simple pasta dish with lots of olive oil and garlic.

Add a good amount of olive oil to a pan, bring up to medium heat and add vegetables (cut to same size) and minced garlic.  Cook at a low/medium heat until soft, then salt and pepper to taste.  We have fresh basil and oregano in our garden, so I added some at the end.

We had leftover tomatoes, yellow squash and mushrooms the day I made this dish.  It is also good with a combination of vegetables and beans.  I made vermicelli, saved a cup of pasta water, poured the cooked, drained pasta into the sauce pan, tossed and added a dash of pasta water to loosen the sauce.  Everyone loved it and my daughter reheated some for lunch the next day.  Nothing wasted with this dish!

God bless,

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