Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Growing Lettuce Indoors

 Since I live in Florida it is very difficult to grow lettuce outdoors, especially during the summer.  The heat forces the lettuce to bolt, which makes the lettuce bitter.  I started growing lettuce indoors in an Aerogarden Farm and it works really well for my small family.

You can use any hydroponic system from kratky jars to automated hydroponic systems.  For me, the Aerogarden is the easiest.  I suggest watching their website for sales.  The sales are particularly good when they are about to release a new or upgraded edition.

I am still making YouTube videos to accompany my blog posts.  It’s easier than taking multiple photos to explain the process.  It would definitely help if you subscribe to my YouTube channel and like the posts.  Commenting on the video boosts the YouTube algorithm.

I hope you enjoy watching the videos.

God bless,


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