Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Summer In Florida

 It was and is a brutal summer this year and probably in future summers to come.  The heat was so bad I couldn’t bear working outside in the garden.  But we had a great deal of rain for three months, the weeds and grasses had a field day growing in the gardens.

I’ve been spending the last two weeks trying to get the gardens in shape for planting.  Last week we had the effects of hurricane Helene.  The wind didn’t do too much damage, but we spent the week without electricity.  In Florida that’s a very bad, no good thing.

Physically, the heat played havoc with my arthritis and I am still recovering.  However, I got out into the garden today, I’m paying for it, but it needs doing.

Hurricane Helene was a big storm, so its winds pushed water into my county’s shoreline causing massive flooding.  I live on top of a bluff, so we weren’t affected, but waterfront and beach communities were flooded badly.

The small beach city (Treasure Island) I lived in during my teens and early twenties was literally wiped off the map.  What didn’t get inundated with water was covered in sand.  It’s heartbreaking to see.

Here’s hoping and praying for more cheerful posts in the future.  Hurricane season ends in November.  

God bless,


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