Monday, July 4, 2016

My Book Recommendations

Recently someone asked me whether a certain book review I had posted recommended a book appropriate for Christians.  I had to think about it for a while and I'm not quite sure how to respond.  

Christianity encompasses a large and diverse group of people; from extremely conservative denominations to extremely liberal denominations.  Even within each denomination each church varies in it's accepted practices.  

As an anabaptist Mennonite I can tell you that Mennonite communities have very different rules to live by known as Ordnung.  If you move from one community to another the Ordnung changes and you adjust your behavior, dress and worship to fit the new community.  Or if you are like me and live in an area without a community you adjust your life to fit your personal and family's beliefs.

I don't choose to censor myself or other Christians.  We have to abide by the rules that are set by our personal Christian beliefs or those of our community.  However, I have put warning notices at the end of my reviews when a book contains graphic sex, violence, etc.

I will endeavor in the future to also include triggers for rape, child abuse, etc. that may cause distress to a reader.  I am going to allow my readers to choose books based on their self knowledge and consciences.

God bless,

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