Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Pollen Alert

Our very warm winter has caused us to have one of the worst Spring allergy seasons that I have ever seen. My eyes have been bright red and scratchy for weeks now and DD has had the same symptoms plus runny nose and sore throat.  I prefer not to use medication, but must admit that I have occasionally broken down and taken a pill.

Oak Tree With Pollen

The biggest problem has been oak pollen.  It is literally draped over our roof, covering the driveway and covered our cars with a layer of yellow dust.

Covering The Ground

And The Cars

One of our natural ways to fight the pollen is to use a saline rinse to flush the pollen from the inside of our nasal passages using a neti pot.  This is a simple method that has been used in India for thousands of years.  Just follow the instructions that come with the neti pot; there is a slight learning curve, but it is actually very easy.  If you have young children you can use saline drops in their noses to accomplish the same thing.

Stay inside as much as possible, especially during windy times and immediately after a rainstorm.  The rain actually stirs up the pollen that is lying on the ground making it air borne.  If you do go outside change your clothing as soon as you come indoors.  Shower before going to bed at night to wash the pollen out of your hair.  Pets also need frequent rinsing.

I have been running the air conditioning rather than opening the windows; both in my house and in the car.  Anything to avoid coming into contact with the pollen.

As a last resort you may need to use a antihistamine.  Drugs such as Zyrtec, and Zicam can be expensive.  Try some of the older drugs such as Benadryl and Chlortrimeton to save some money.

We are the first to suffer here in Florida, but be prepared if you are further north, it's coming your way soon.

God bless,


  1. Pollen has already started affecting folks here too! My husband swears by a nettie pot-me I'm too chicken to try it LOL

  2. They make saline nasal sprays that may work for you. I wish I knew what to do about my eyes. The drops only work for a hour. I look like a horror film monster.

    God bless,

  3. Yes it is hitting around here too. Not only the oak pollen but the Pine tree pollen builds up like the picture of the car. I get a bad case at least once in the spring and once in the Fall (ragweed). A good saline nasal flush helps.
